Daddy Rabbit : Zombie invasion in the farm

Played 338 times.

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Have a good time playing this rabbit game, in which a lovable father rabbit is tasked with looking after his young offspring in a burrow located beneath the most incredible farm you have ever witnessed. In order to accomplish this goal, you will need to make your way across a zone that is full of zombies that dislike hearing newborn bunnies scream. It is up to Daddy Rabbit to locate all of his misplaced young ones within the most incredible underground burrow you have ever seen. These young rabbits are content to doze off wherever they are, but as soon as their father comes into view, they immediately hop to their feet and follow him wherever he goes. If you want to keep them there while you work out your approach, all you have to do is give them a carrot, and they will continue to sleep where they are. Baby bunnies will follow their father around, but if they are awake, they will cry if their father walks too far away. When that occurs, the zombies will become angry, and their first instinct will be to eat the humans. When that day comes, Daddy Rabbit will use a carrot punch to defend his sons and deliver those horrible zombies exactly what they have coming to them.

To navigate the magriguera, simply click on a location within the tunnel to advance to that location. You can kill carrots by pressing the space bar.

