
Played 426 times.

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Your mother is currently preparing dinner. She felt bad about the amount of food that was thrown away and entrusted you with the responsibility of giving it all away to your neighbours because she did not want it to be wasted. In the game Leftovers, your mother has entrusted you with the responsibility of transporting the excess food that she prepared to your relatives and friends because she cannot bear the thought of wasting it. She sends us out into the world to engage in conversation with some of the most unsettling individuals who could possibly qualify as strangers. Make your mum proud, dont be like your dad. Do you best, and dont come back until youre done! There are some neighbours who are pretty normal and nice to talk to. However, some of them are extremely terrifying and creepy to the extreme. Because he thinks he smells your mother on you, one of them will get right up in your face and sniff all around you while making funny faces. Wow, that was quite the exciting time. In this genre, there have only ever been a handful of games that were so unsettling. Another one of the ladies extends an invitation to come in, but you really shouldn't take her up on it. What an interesting mix of people we get to hang out with every day. However, it did make things more interesting to think about who we might run into next. Another wonderful experience was having a conversation with the elderly man, particularly if you initially refused to speak with him. You, who were doing nothing more than watching cartoons and minding your own business. You, who your mother has admonished on multiple occasions to avoid striking up conversations with unknown people. However, you do not have the authority to refuse the request. You have limited communication skills, so you'll need to meet all of your quirky and creepy neighbours in order to complete the task before your mother finishes you off... literally.

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